Sunday, April 12, 2009

Dogs for Easter TV?

You simply have to love the tv programmers, who schedule these things. I just noticed that on Turner Classic Movies tonight, they have two versions of "King of Kings", followed by the Swedish comedy "My Life as a Dog"!

Actually, this is a brilliant comedy: a boy can only face his reality by believing he is the family dog. Yes, he hides under the dinner table and barks to beg for food. It's actually a better movie than either Kings film. A better choice for that would have been Pier Pasolini's "The Gospel According to St. Matthew", my favorite gospel film, the only realistic one.

What this comedy has to do with Easter is anyone's guess, but they are showing it after midnight on the east coast, so it's technically after Easter, but it will still be Sunday in at least two western time zones.

Maybe Jim from "Taxi" is making out the schedule, remember when he did that?


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